Tuesday, July 26, 2005

Only a month away....

Only a month until my 29th birthday. Exactly one month from today.
It feels odd knowing that I'm about to begin the last year of my 20's.
I was talking about this with a friend this past week and they asked how much I'd accomplished on my "30 by 30" list.
I said "My whuh?"
30 things to accomplish by the age of 30.
Is this a standard thing that most people do but I'm not aware of?
So, I decided to sit down and create my list. Considering I only have a little over a year its not going to include anything of any great measure, and it probably will include a few silly things, but I still thought I would be able to come up with 30 things that I wanted to do within the next 13 months. So not true.
I am having the hardest time coming up with 30 things that I wanted to accomplish by August 26, 2006.
So, here I am asking for suggestions.
I only have 16 things so far.....

16 by 30

1. Walk across the Golden Gate Bridge.
2. Travel somewhere that requires a passport (Ireland & Italy being my top 2 choices).
3. Be completely debt free - even if only for 1 month.
4. Get my motorcycle license so that I'm that much closer to getting the Vespa I want.
5. Lose 50 lbs
6. Take one of those cool classes at the Learning Exchange - photography, cooking, knitting, any of them!
7. Complete the American Diabetes Association Tour de Cure bike ride
8. Treat myself to a day spa (particular treatments as yet undecided but I'm thinking a full body massage to recover from the Tour de Cure is a top contender)
9. Photograph at least half of the California Missions (from Jolon, north to Sonoma)
10. Try snowboarding
11. Throw an amazing dinner party (perhaps for my Grandmas 70th birthday in September?)
12. Go through my closet and donate all clothing and shoes that I havent worn in the past year to a battered womens shelter such as WEAVE.
13. Go through my book shelves and donate all books I no longer need or want to keep for sentimental reasons to a hospital or nursing home.
14. Register as a bone marrow donor (I already donate blood every 8 weeks)
15. Have my photography shown - even if just in a coffee shop.
16. Have net assets of $25k (401k, stocks, bonds, etc.)

So, offer some suggestions and on or around August 26th I'll post an updated "30 by 30"

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